
Court Mandated Counselling Orders Program

By Zoe Hopper December 12, 2022

The traumatic effects of family violence and its contribution to intergenerational cycles of violence are well acknowledged. Family Life has significant, long term experience in running support and behaviour change interventions for men who use violence, running our first initiative in 1986.

This culminated in our success in gaining the contract for Court Mandated Counselling Orders Program (CMCOP) services for the Frankston and Moorabbin Magistrates Courts in 2019. Through this program, we have supported hundreds of men to address their family violence behaviours, increase overall family safety and complete their orders. We also work with women and children affected by family violence to find the support they need.

Family Life has recently expanded its CMCOP services by being awarded Dandenong, Ringwood and Melbourne Magistrate Courts through a Request for Proposal process through Magistrates Court of Victoria. Family Life provides a range of specialised family violence services, in addition to CMCOP delivery.

Last year 1,721 individuals received support through our family violence services. Family Life is the largest provider of men’s behaviour change in the region, servicing a diverse range of men who use violence, including court mandated and/or referred and self referred clients.

Family Life is committed to providing inclusive accessible services for all fathers in our community, in a way that accords with the evidence that recommends early intervention; engaging co-parents in programs (particularly those with poor quality partnerships); focusing on the impact of childhood trauma, and linking fathers to programs, services and community. Our wrap around approach to service delivery recognises that one ‘single program’ may not suffice to engage fathers to bring about positive outcomes.

Men’s Case Management

Family Life’s Men’s Case Management service provides clients with an individualised and tailored response to work on any barriers they may have in addressing their need to change. To find out more, click here.

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