
Case Management Program for adults using family violence

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Family Life offers assistance to adults who require additional practical and therapeutic intervention prior, during or post a behaviour change program or who want enduring change.

Case Management Program for adults using family violence

Home > Get Support > Family Violence

Family Life provides free Case Management support for adults using family violence in the Bayside Peninsula area (Bayside, Frankston, Glen Eira, Kingston, Mornington Peninsula, Port Phillip and Stonnington).

The program provides each client with up to 20 hours of support and can be provided face to face, by telephone or through outreach.

The Case Management Program for Adults using family violence focuses on:

  • Supporting adults using family violence to take responsibility for and stop their use of violence
  • Providing an individualised response by coordinating access to specialist services such as alcohol and other drugs (AOD), disability services, mental and physical health, parenting services, financial counselling, employment, social support and housing services.
  • Assisting in engagement with programs that aim to stop family violence and address barriers to engaging in the change process

Who can use this program?

Adults using family violence who:

  • Are aged 18 years or over; inclusive of all sexualities & gender diverse communities.
  • Want to take responsibility for their actions and want support to end their use of violent and abusive behaviours.
  • Have used family violence against their partner and/ or family or kinship member.
  • Identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander or have English as a secondary language, and require support to access culturally appropriate specialist services.

And at least one of the following:

  • Have been removed from the home as a result of using violence against family members and require practical support around managing risk.
  • Have been assessed as unsuitable for a Men’s Behaviour Change Program due to:
    • English is not their primary language.
    • have complex needs that require intervention, support and stability before they can safely participate in programs that aim to stop family violence, including mental health, AOD and homelessness issues.
    • have complex needs that require an individualised response, including cognitive impairment and acquired brain injury (ABI), and require support around complex health and social issues.
    • may be at risk from other perpetrators due to the nature of their offending, relationship context.
    • are otherwise ineligible for a Men’s Behaviour Change Program.
  • Are currently attending or have recently attended a Men’s Behaviour Change Program
  • Are currently completing or have completed Dads in Focus and require additional practical support.

How can I access the program?

If you would like to know more about this service or check your eligibility, contact Family Life on (03) 8599 5433 or submit a request through our Contact Us page. To request support from this service, please complete this form.

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