
Being a 50+ Woman Is Risky Business

By admin August 16, 2019

On 15 August Family Life officially launched the Catch Up 4 Women program at Cheltenham Op Shop.

Close to 70 guests attended the launch where they enjoyed a wonderful high tea, mingled with other community members and heard from Family Life CEO, Jo Cavanagh, as well as volunteer participants and staff working on the project.

Catch Up 4 Women has been developed in response to increasing evidence that women over 50 years of age are facing unique risks to their financial security and general wellbeing. The program seeks to educate women about what they need to know and be prepared for, in order to age well and in control of their circumstances.

“A growing number of older women are often not prepared for the economic insecurity that can occur later in life,” Family Life CEO, Jo Cavanagh said:

“Being forced out of the workforce early, insufficient superannuation, the death of an income earning spouse or escaping family violence are just a few of the scenarios facing more and more older women.”

“Catch Up for Women brings women together to learn, socialise and support each other and connect them with specialist advice and resources.”

“Helping women to be in control of their circumstances as they age is more imperative than ever before.”

How you can get involved:

  • think about your family and friendship circle, is someone isolated or had a recent life-shock?
  • check in with them to see if they have people to talk to
  • invite them to attend a Catch Up 4 Women event or activity, encourage them to drop into a Family Life Community Store or to give Family Life a call, to find out what is involved

Up-coming Catch Up 4 Women Activities

Mentor Training will be held throughout October and December. Please contact Deb Donaldson to participate.

Welcome Wednesday is a morning tea each week with special focus on areas of interest. These free events are to be held every Wednesday at the Cheltenham Op shop from 10:00 am -11.30am. No need to book, just turn up.

To find out more visit our website to watch a short video, or register your interest to become a mentor at familylife.com.au/catchup4women

community financial security women

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