
I.Am.Mindful School Focused Youth Service Program: Support for Self Regulation in School Aged Children

By Zoe Hopper September 12, 2023

School Focused Youth Services have brokered funding for 69 interventions across schools in the Bayside, Kingston and Frankston areas.

One of the recent programs which provided students with supportive evidence-based strategies and tools to address self regulation is the i.am.mindful program.

The program, backed by the University of Melbourne, provided students with hands-on activities and materials combined with age appropriate psychoeducation about what is happening to their bodies and how they can learn to take charge.

Following the student session was a staff presentation covering the tools and strategies to ensure staff were equipped with the knowledge of how to support students in the classroom. This provides a wonderful wrap around approach to supporting students developing these important skills.

To find out more about the program, visit: https://www.iammindfulco.com.au/


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