Community Listening Tours 2023

We held a series of Community Listening events to better understand the changing needs of the community in a post-Covid world.

Community Listening Tours 2023

Family Life collaborated with five local councils (the Cities of Bayside, Casey, Frankston, Kingston and the Mornington Peninsula) to hold a series of Community Listening events to better understand the changing needs of the community.

Throughout the Community Listening Tour, we aimed to connect with a diverse range of cultural groups, ages, abilities and lived/living experiences to maximise the data and perspectives shared. This data then informs how we, as a service sector, can continue to meet the diverse and evolving needs of the community.


COVID-19 created new and varied demands globally and whilst local community service organisations acted promptly and adapted practices to meet changing needs, there are inevitably many things that we still do not know.


Our aim was to better understand the needs of local individuals, families and communities as we move out of the most acute phases of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Comprehensive reports have been produced for each LGA as well as an overall Community Listening Tour Summary Report.

To download a copy of the Summary report (which includes links to each local report) please click here.