MBCP Sandringham
Family Life COVID-19 Health Check
Hello. We are pleased to be resuming the Men’s Behaviour Change Program and looking forward to running our groups again. Please note that there are a few changes due to COVID-19 that we are taking to ensure your safety.
1. We are not using the main entrance at 197 Bluff Road, Sandringham. Please enter via the rear of the building under the veranda.
2. A staff member will be at the entrance to meet you and ask you COVID-19 related health questions. This is to ensure the health and safety of other group participants and staff. If you do not meet the recommended health criteria (outlined below) you will be asked to leave and to contact a practitioner for follow up on 9784-0678.
3. Please sign in with the QR code provided on entry.
4. Please ensure you adhere to physical distancing measures at the recommended 1.5m while you are awaiting entry and throughout the session. Please use hand sanitiser every time you enter the group room. Masks are to be worn by facilitators and all group members. If you do not have a mask with you, a mask can be provided.
5. Please bring a water bottle with you, and be advised that no food is to be eaten during the session, and the kitchen will not be open.
Healthy Attendance Check
By attending the Men’s Behaviour Change Program you confirm that you are healthy and meet the below. If you respond YES to any of these questions, please DO NOT ATTEND the group and notify a practitioner for follow up on 9784-0678.
1. Are you or any household member currently confirmed as testing positive to COVID-19 (without having recovered from symptoms and reaching the Department of Health clearance date)?
2. Are you or any household members currently self-isolating while awaiting results of a COVID-19 test or through any direction by the Department of Health, including isolation through being a primary close contact
3. Have you or any household members been a primary close contact of a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the last 7 days, and not yet been tested and subsequently released from any required isolation period?
4. Have you or any household members returned from overseas travel in the last 7 days and not yet returned a negative RAT test upon your return?
5. Are you or any household members currently displaying symptoms of COVID-19, or have displayed symptoms within the last 7 days and not been tested? Symptoms include:
- Fever
- Chills or sweats
- Cough
- Sore Throat
- Shortness of Breath
- Runny Nose
- Loss of or change in Sense of Smell or Taste
Thank you, we look forward to seeing you again. Please contact 9784-0678 with any questions.