Tony Johannsen
Executive Manager, Clinical Practice and Quality
Tony draws on his extensive clinical and leadership expertise in his role as Executive Manager, Clinical Practice and Quality at Family Life.
A psychotherapist and clinical supervisor, Tony has 10 year’s experience delivering trauma-informed leadership and resilience training to corporate and non-profit clients.
He started his clinical career in the Alcohol and other Drugs (AOD) sector, working as an AOD forensic clinician, clinical supervisor and program manager. After upskilling as a Men’s Behaviour Change Facilitator, Tony broadened his clinical expertise beyond AOD to include working with men who use Family Violence (FV).
Spurred by his passion for innovation, Tony realised there were gaps, deficiencies and opportunities for improvement within the mainstream approaches to working with men using FV. He later went on to develop bespoke interventions aimed at working more effectively with men who use FV to help combat these shortfalls.
Bachelor of Counselling (Australian College of Professional Psychology)
Graduate Certificate – Male Family Violence (Swinburne University)
Certificate – Clinical Supervision (LaTrobe University)
Graduate Diploma – Psychology (Monash University)