Most fees are to be paid prior to visit. Services and fees are as follows:
Intake & Assessment (paid on day of intake)
$80 (incl. GST) per parent
After receiving application forms from both parents we will contact each parent to arrange individual Intake & Assessment Interviews. This is a requirement prior to the use of any Contact Service.
Download the application form here
Interviews are conducted separately with each parent to ensure confidentiality and safety. Each assessment takes approx. 2 hrs.
Family Life reserves the right to decline the use of the Bayside CCS if, through the assessment and/or service provision process the staff consider that the arrangement may pose an unacceptable risk to children, staff or other service users.
Payment for this service is to be made on the day of the interview.
Supervised visit (Midweek)
2 hour blocks $160 (incl. GST) per visit
After Intake & assessment has been undertaken with each parent, if this CCS service has been assessed as appropriate, parents can pay online for supervised visits.
Following receipt of payment the Service will contact you to arrange a convenient supervised visit time.
Supervised visit (Saturday, only on fortnightly basis)
2 hour blocks $220 (incl. GST) per visit
Saturday Supervised visits are available but only on every second Saturday of the month. Please confirm dates with us before making payment.
Cancellation Fees
Fees are applicable if a cancellation is made within 24 hours of the appointment. This fee may be waived if a Doctor’s certificate is provided.
Ad-hoc Correspondence
$55 per correspondence item (incl. GST)
Payment is required for any ad-hoc correspondence requests, such as contacting lawyers, etc.
Court report
$650 (incl. GST)
Where a Court or Solicitor makes a request, a Court Report will be prepared based on the confidential observational notes made by staff following supervised visits and changeover. This includes a court summary.
To arrange for a Court Report service, payment must be accompanied by a Court Request Form.
For a copy of the application form please email to request a form be sent to you.