Family Life’s Heartlinks service, as part of Women’s Health Week, is hosting a FREE seminar on 6th September called ‘Looking After You – Taking Care of Your Emotional Wellbeing’.
It isn’t often that you find someone in your circle of contacts who isn’t busy. Many of us juggle a ball pit full of roles in our day-to-day lives that leaves us with little time to look after ourselves.
As part of Women’s Health Week, Heartlinks is calling for Baysiders to restore balance in their life by offering a FREE seminar called ‘Looking After You – Taking Care of Your Emotional Wellbeing’. To be held on Thursday 6th September 9.30 – 11am.
Being a mother to three young children Family Life Deputy CEO, Allison Wainwright, is all too familiar with the daily grind and, despite her line of work, concedes that it’s not always easy to make time for yourself.
“Life is busy. There is no getting away from it. But what can make a difference is taking time to reflect on what we can change to achieve a greater balance.”
“This seminar will help people recognise what they can influence in their life and what is out of their control. It looks at working on communication skills and developing self care strategies.”
The 1 ½ hour course will help participants recognise that while stress is a normal part of life, it is important to acknowledge and understand the impact of severe stress.
“If you think that you are too busy to come to this seminar, you probably need to come,” Ms Wainwright said.
Participants will be given morning tea, a lovely ‘goodie bag’ and will leave the seminar with ideas about what they can change to achieve a more balanced life.
The seminar will be held at Family Life, 197 Bluff Road Sandringham. Bookings are essential.
To register your interest please call 8599 5488 or call visit
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