
Tidy Town Awards – Family Life Finalists x 2

By Zoe Hopper September 2, 2020

We are proud to announce that two Family Life Map Your World (MYW) projects are finalists for the upcoming Tidy Town awards.

Tidy Towns Awards recognizes and celebrates grassroots initiatives; positive actions taken by community groups, educational institutions and councils in rural and regional areas in Victoria.

These initiatives empower people, change behaviour, protect the environment, reduce waste, engage local youth, combat loneliness or simply be a fun way to celebrate being part of a community and play a critical role in fostering resilient, wellbeing and in building a strong sense of community.

Family Life’s MYW Young Mum’s Community Project is a finalist in the social wellbeing category. The Family Life program focuses on young mum’s facing adversity, stigma, and shame. Seven young mums participated in a six week program in Hastings. The group came up with a project to increase community participation, minimize isolation, increase wellbeing and increase resilience amongst the younger parents in and around Hastings vicinity.

The other Family Life MYW project is in the Litter Prevention Category. Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) students from Advance Community College, in Hastings, identified numerous social and environmental issues that were impacting them and their local community. As a result they decided to tackle littering, illegal dumping in their local reserve and ways to reduce rubbish in their local community.

The Map Your World Program is delivered by Family Life in partnership with Good Shepherd, Peninsula Health and Mornington Peninsula Shire. A special thanks to our funders, Department of Social Services under the Stronger and Resilient communities’ grants.

Family Life Young Mums
Family Life’s Young Mum’s community program.
awards community hastings initiative map your world tidy town young mums

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