
Keith Street Playgroup

By Zoe Hopper December 10, 2020

Keith Street Supported Playgroup has been running as a face to face group for a number of years. When restrictions were implemented earlier this year playgroup facilitators thought there must be a way to continue supporting families in a virtual space.

After many weeks of planning, Keith Street Supported Playgroup commenced the first virtual session on 20 August via Zoom platform. The sessions continue to run weekly.

The program has been adjusted to suit the virtual space and consists of interactive music sessions, singing songs and craft activities. Facilitators role model interactive and creative play activities with the families which can be replicated at home with their children. This strengthens attachment, improves mental health, child development, social interactions, communication, routines and stability within families.

Collaboration with external services has continued to support the online playgroup by providing child development support and health education from the City of Bayside Maternal Child Health and Central Bayside Community Health Dental Team.

The sessions have been positively received by children and parents with families appreciating the online support from the facilitators and the sessions have provided ideas of play based activities.

Update: The Keith Street Playgroup is no longer running as of 2024.


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