
Family and Relationship Services

By Zoe Hopper December 10, 2020

The Family and Relationship Services (FaRS) team recently rolled out the Stand By Me – Post Separated Parenting Program.

This program was originally postponed when Government lockdown restrictions came into effect, however, in usual Family Life fashion the team got on with the job and were able to put the presentation on PowerPoint and offer it to clients. This enabled participants to complete their course, which is particularly important as they are often required to have a certificate of completion for Court proceedings.

Seven participants needed to complete the group, with five being able to complete the program online. The other two have been offered individual sessions as they could not attend the dates set for the Zoom sessions.

Facilitator, Giovanna, said, “All the post parenting related content was still able to be delivered on a PowerPoint in a creative way.”

“It has been very exciting to have been able to trial and deliver the final sessions to the clients that we had to postpone due to COVID-19 restrictions.”

“We experienced very little technical problems and found all the participants engaged over the two weeks.”

Great result FaRS Team!


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