
Connect – Performance and Impact Report 2021-22

By Zoe Hopper March 28, 2022

We are pleased to share an overview of the performance and impact of the Family Life CONNECT Program.

CONNECT is a peer support program offering caring, evidence-based interventions to individuals with, or at risk of mild depression and/or anxiety.

The report describes Family Life’s journey in supporting individuals and families via the CONNECT Program during the last financial year (2020-2021). Focus areas include the methodology and service delivery behind the program, the impact assessment and a case study highlighting an individual’s supported journey.

The findings suggest that the CONNECT Program has achieved its objectives, and importantly has had a positive impact on individuals, including improved wellbeing and management of emotions, increased confidence to make positive choices about their health and increased access to mental health services.

Family Life would like to acknowledge South Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network (SEMPHN) and all CONNECT clients and CONNECT peer support workers for their support and contributions to the report.
More information is contained in the Performance and Impact Report 2021 below


Knowledge and Innovation

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